
    updated on September 19, 2023

Aspetti della proprietà intellettuale: dalla tutela alla condivisione della conoscenza

   22 Sept. clessidra che gira 09:30 - 10:30
TT.IX Technical Multi-Track with Parallel SYMPOSIA
Aspetti della proprietà intellettuale: dalla tutela alla condivisione della conoscenza
Co-organized with PRAXI, Sapienza University of Rome
Chair: Leonardo MATTIELLO, Sapienza University of Rome
Scientific research and patenting are intertwined in the process of innovation: a complex relationship that offers various advantages and presents challenges. Patents protect intellectual property, provide financial incentives, foster collaborations, promote innovation, and enable technology transfer. However, the process can be administratively difficult, costly, and may conflict with the timely dissemination of research findings. Balancing the benefits and drawbacks of patenting is essential for researchers and institutions, emphasizing the need for collaboration to drive the technological progress.

Sapienza University of Rome - Settore Brevetti e Licensing
Policy, valore della conoscenza e importanza strategica della tutela
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Maria Vittoria PRIMICERI - CV
PRAXI Intellectual Property
Management of international procedures of protection and breaking news
!NEUTRO PPT eceded
Sapienza University of Rome - Ufficio Valorizzazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico
Tech transfer
!NEUTRO PPT eceded


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Dr. Federica SCROFANI

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